is now on WordPress
- posted in: blog
In an effort to keep more up to date as well as include a blog section, I have moved the website over to wordpress. I do hope you will have a look around and will come back often to see the updates, as well as blog posts. Added with the blog as well as the media page is the ability for you to add comments to any of the posts. Please do, I would love to hear your input on what you think.
In other news , Are you on the mailing list? If you sign up you can get a free song download. By signing up you will also receive the monthly newsletter which has show dates for the month as well as any other news dealing with Scott Varney music. You can sign-up on the home page as well on the contact page.
Also be on the lookout for the V-log to start up again soon. I have a lot of fun ideas as well as some new music that I want to share with you all.